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The benefits of Pilates for mental health

The benefits of Pilates for mental health

The practice of physical activity is essential to keep mental health up to date, especially when this activity requires concentration and focus on the present moment, such as Pilates.

The Pilates method works body, mind and spirit through 6 principles: concentration, breathing, control, centering, precision and fluidity. It is precisely because it’s a technique that requires concentration to perform the movements that the practitioner can relax and calm the anxious mind, achieving a series of other benefits for mental health.

So, in today’s post you will understand what are the benefits of Pilates for the mind.

Good reading!

Better sleep quality

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep, or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep.

According to some studies, insomnia is related to poor sleep habits, depression, anxiety, lack of physical exercise, chronic illness or consumption of certain medications. But Pilates comes in as a great ally to improve sleep quality, as well as reduce the average time it takes to fall asleep.

That’s because the practice of the method works with correct breathing techniques, increases the production of endorphins and improves the quality of life in general, which is directly related to better sleep.

Relief from anxiety and stress

The biggest enemies of mental health today are anxiety and stress. And together, they can trigger other serious illnesses like depression, obesity and heart problems.

To better deal with these issues, professionals recommend practicing physical activities and seeking moments of pleasure and relaxation to relieve stress.

For this, Pilates is the best exercise! The practice of the method decreases the disordered production of harmful hormones and helps in the production of neurotransmitters, such as endorphin, which brings a sense of well-being, helps to prevent and fight stress and anxiety.

Besides, conscious and deep breathing worked in Pilates promotes a sense of relaxation and well-being, helping to control anxiety as well.

Increase in self-esteem

Self-esteem is your overall opinion of yourself, and it’s related to the ability we have to value or not our identity.

When someone has low self-esteem, they become insecure and constantly make comparisons, feeling rejected or inferior to others. But Pilates can change that feeling and make the practitioner recognize their potential and strength.

That’s because during an exercise program, several challenges are proposed, which not only help the evolution of physical fitness, but also stimulate and empower the client by proving and strengthening their capacity beliefs, promoting a change in mindset.

Better concentration

In a Pilates class, the practitioner needs a concentrated mind to control the body and perform the movements with a correct posture and a great balance.

As the exercises change and the practice evolves, the client also needs to increase the level of concentration. And do you know what is the result? It’s the ability to maintain focus and concentration in other areas and moments of life.

Great emotional balance

As Pilates includes breathing exercises and full concentration, on the same principles as mindfulness, the practitioner is also able to reduce tension and anxiety, creating a calmer and more balanced mind.

Therefore, we can say that the Pilates develops emotional balance, so the client can achieve a more serene life, with focus and concentration, not only during exercises, but also in other day-to-day situations.

Stimulates creativity

With a more balanced, calm and open mind, it’s no secret that creativity comes naturally. And these are basic requirements for living new experiences and dealing with problems and challenges with more lightness and wisdom.

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